Woody Family- Milwaukee Documentary Family Photographer

Every time Amber and Ryan add a child to their crew I get excited.  More pics of this spunky troupe?  Yes please!  Their cool, old farmhouse is full of love and crazy, all the real life stuff I like in front of the lens.  Photos at your home are always a good idea but probably times ten when you live on a gorgeous country property with barns, sumac, pets, views, and cornfields!  We had a cold night for this shoot, but no rain and thank goodness (this was one rainy fall!)  the kids seemed to notice the temp least of anyone.   Amber, thank you for letting your children run loose to laugh, climb trees and play in front of the camera.  There might have been jellybean tantrums and toddler anarchy, but you and Ryan have been so blessed with this beautiful bunch!  As a mom of two who fawns over phone pics of special/nuts moments I barely remember, it brings me joy to freeze the sweetness of this time for all eight of you.  It really goes fast!


(above) Fox bolts out of a family pic with the entire bag of jelly beans.  🙂 Oh to be two.

You two.  🙂 Looking good holding down the fort together.   Also this backyard!  Every kid’s dream!

The newest Woody crashed at the end of the session.  Those eyelashes, those cheeks.  What better place is there to grab a nap?  <3